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Please Read First ...

A Great Place to Be, A Better Way To Live

It’s possible that you do not know a great deal about Freemasonry, and if this is the case we think it is important that before you proceed with your application to join our wonderful fraternity we should touch base with a few matters of importance.

It may be that once you appreciate these things you might have other thoughts about applying for membership.

Freemasonry has always required that men should come to its doors entirely of their own free will and accord; not as a result of importunity or idle curiosity, but from a favourable opinion of the Fraternity, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be serviceable to one's fellows.

Therefore, if curiosity is the driving force behind your application then please reconsider your motives, or if your friends are coercing you to apply for membership against your own better judgement rather than for your own sake do not continue with your application.

Freemasonry is a fellowship of disinterested friends who meet together for fraternal friendship and association.

This fellowship is founded upon a system of morality based on a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being.

No atheist can be made a Mason. Freemasonry teaches the Brotherhood of Man and the Immortality of the Soul. It constantly holds before man the duty he owes to God, his country, his neighbour, and himself.

Freemasonry interferes with neither religion nor politics, but endeavours always to bring out man's highest and noblest qualities. The aim of the true Mason is to promote a brotherly feeling among men and to help the distressed and afflicted to the best of his ability.

If you do not have a belief in a Supreme Being then reconsider your application.

The Purpose of Freemasonary  ...

The purpose of Freemasonry is moral and spiritual improvement, not the gaining of any material advantage. It should be clearly understood and borne in mind that Freemasonry is not to be entered in the hope of material gain or advancement. Admission must not be sought for mercenary or selfish motives.

If such were your motives you would be sadly disappointed and therefore we recommend that you reconsider your application.

No Material Benefits  ...

It cannot be too strongly emphasized that Freemasonry is not a benefit society. Membership will not confer you any right to sick benefits, death benefits, burial expenses, and the education of your children or the support of your dependents.


Failure to understand this has sometimes caused families to hold false impressions, which have led to disappointment, misunderstanding and embarrassment. The practice of charity is however, a fundamental virtue taught in Freemasonry.


Those seeking such benefit should reconsider their application.

Financial Obligations  ...

It is obvious that the membership must carry the burden of the cost of Lodge operations and functions.


An applicant must, therefore, be in a position to meet his financial obligations for the degree fees and annual dues without material handicap or detriment to his family or dependents. It is important that this be clearly understood. We would not have a family disadvantaged because of Lodge dues.


If the payment of such financial obligations were even the slightest difficulty then please reconsider your application.

Loyality  ...

Loyalty to one's country is an essential qualification in Freemasonry, and only those are acceptable who cheerfully conform to every lawful authority.


Disloyalty in any form is abhorrent to the teaching of Freemasonry and those of such a mind-set would do well to reconsider their application.

The Aims Of Freemasonry ...

The aims of Freemasonry are noble and unselfish.

- It deserves and expects your sincere attachment and your faithful service.

- It will make certain demands upon your time and energies.

We ask you to consider that: -

- It will be a duty and a privilege to attend our meetings and

- To contribute your share to any of our useful undertakings.

If admitted, you will be required: -

- To obligate yourself to secrecy in purely Masonic matters, such as the ritual, means of recognition, names     of candidates, results of balloting and the like.

If you don’t think you could meet and keep this obligation then reconsider your application.


If you are looking for a place where you can confidently trust every person and trust your family with them also…
Go ahead with your application

If you are looking for a place where, (within moral and civil guidelines) free thought, free speaking and the spiritual growth of man, can grow to their fullest potential.
Lodge your application.

If you are looking for a place to meet outstanding individuals from all walks of life, that you would not otherwise have had the opportunity to know and call brother.
You have found one, submit your application.

If you want a place where you can be part of an organization which has for its principal tenets – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth ...
Lodge your application.

If you want to be part of a group that provides its members with self-development opportunities, leadership training and experience, and to improve public speaking skills …
Then proceed with your application

If you want a place you can go to seek support as well as give it. Go ahead, submit your application. If you are looking for a place where moral virtues are taught and through these teachings a regular reinforcement of the moral virtues is experienced .
Then submit your application

Do you want a place to spend time with a group of brothers, who by acting as good men, want to become better men. Not better than others, but better than they would have otherwise been ...
This is it, submit your application.

If you want a place where you can become better equipped to serve your Church and your community…. Look no further, submit your application.

If you are looking for a place to meet with established members of the community and to become a part of the community.
Submit your application

Past Master's Jewel

Millennium Medal

Centenary Medal

If you would like to find out more about
visiting us at Lodge Tullibardine,
or becoming a member, please contact us.

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