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You will find our Lodge is a welcome respite from the cares of daily life and a place where friendship and brotherhood is the order of the day 


We think it is a bonus that our ceremonial observances are Scottish in origin and we are proud of our heritage but there is more to us than that. A lot more.


What is our secret?  simply this...we enjoy ourselves.  Our aim is to heed the various lessons of life that Freemasonry imparts to us and in this we make our own way and set our own pace, and, as we said, we enjoy ourselves in the process.


If you would like to know more about our Lodge and Freemasonry then please get in touch with us we will always respond to genuine contacts seeking information.


If you are "Unattached" brethren and would be interested in finding out more about us then you are welcome to approach us re continuing your masonic journey.


Ours is a "different" Lodge and we are proud of it.  Vive la Difference.


It is a Masonic Lodge and certainly a happy lodge, a friendly lodge, and a lodge that cares for its members as its members care for it and a Lodge of great tradition.


Call or send an email to find out about us.  We will welcome your contact.


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